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Physical skills declining

A major study of more than 4000 Perth children has found basic physical skills such as balance, running, jumping, throwing and catching have declined in comparison with the previous generation! Please read more here – https://thewest.com.au/news/perth/researchers-find-gen-z-falling-behind-gen-x-in-childhood-physical-skills-ng-b881228537z At Buttercups Childcare & Kindy we incorporate daily outdoor activities in our weekly program and constantly strive to come […]

Story baskets

Does your child have some favourites on the book shelf that you are reading over and over again and you’d like to shake things up a little? Do you sometimes get frustrated trying to keep your child’s attention? If your answer is yes, we’d love to introduce you to story bags or baskets as are […]

Rain, rain, go away …

Do you need some ideas on how to entertain your little one on a rainy day? Please have a look at the link below for some fun and cheap activities to keep little hands and minds busy! We highly recommend a visit to one of the many amazing libraries with great children’s sections all across […]

Healthy drinks

Water is our no. 1 choice to quench our thirst at Buttercups Childcare & Kindy. As a general guide, children up to 8 years of age should have a minimum of 4-5 cups of water a day. Access to children’s water bottles is available throughout the day and we actively encourage children to drink water […]

Story time

Dinner and bath time is over and you’re getting ready to tuck your little one in … all that’s left for the day is to choose a bedtime story! Chances are, you have already read their book of choice multiple times and know the words by heart! It might be a little tiring, but did you […]

Park play

Park play has so many benefits for your child’s development – gross motor development, advancing social skills and self-regulation etc. As a mostly unstructured activity, visiting a park is an opportunity for parents to allow children to make independent decisions in a relatively controlled and contained environment, which allows for some risk-taking and experimentation. At […]

Loose parts play

Loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways e.g. wooden building blocks, lego, mobilo, gum nuts and other natural materials. The children and educators at Buttercups Childcare & Kindy approach experiences with loose parts with enthusiasm and a sense of […]

Physical activity for children

How much physical activity does your child need? Infants (0 to 1 year) – physical activity particularly through supervised interactive floor-based play in safe environments should be encouraged from birth. For those not yet mobile, 30 minutes of tummy time including reaching and grasping, pushing and pulling and crawling spread throughout the day during awake […]

Healthy eating

Children need regular healthy meals, snacks and drinks! At Buttercups Childcare & Kindy we offer nutritious meals and enjoy positive mealtime experiences as we acknowledge the important role food provided in childcare plays in the growth and development of children and in the development of future eating habits. Our wonderful cook Ari plans delicious menus […]

National Families Week 2019

Time to celebrate – it’s National Families Week between the 15th and the 21st of May and this year’s motto is “Stronger Families, Stronger Communities”. The aim of dedicating this week to families is to celebrate the vital role that families play in Australian society. Over a hundred thousand people get involved in hundreds of […]