How many toys does my child need?
We are sure you have wondered about this exact question and tried to figure out how to best support your child’s early learning. Children are easily overwhelmed with choice and a child who is unsure of what to play with often ends up playing with nothing at all. The two articles below provide a great […]
Cultural diversity
Do you know where your child’s educators in the room are from? Where they have lived before? At Buttercups Childcare & Kindergarten we are proud of providing a home away from home for children and educators originating from many different countries! Diverse cultures in early learning offer a tremendous opportunity to learn how to value […]
Importance of daily tasks
At Buttercups Childcare & Kindergarten, early learning experiences are part of our daily routines and programs and throughout our day we encourage children to be involved in daily tasks teaching them important life skills. Through helping with tasks children learn responsibility and self-reliance, they become a valuable member of the family “team” which helps to […]
Toddlers and milk bottles
If you are looking for ways on how to and when to best wean your toddler off the bottle they often happily rely on, please have a look at the following two articles for some great ideas and more information on the benefits of stopping bottles. Educators in early learning centres like Buttercups happily share […]
New centre – Honeywood
It’s happening! The first sign for our new centre is up! Where? Honeywood (Corner of Kenby Chase & Lyon Road)! Doors opening on the 5th of October 2020! More information to follow!
Forest learning
Have you heard about “forest learning” and how it can help children develop emotional resilience? Forest learning provides children with the opportunity to connect or re-connect with the world around them in its natural state! Children and young people are provided with early learning opportunities to explore the natural environment, experience appropriate risk and challenge, […]
Play and communication
At early learning centres like Buttercups we fully support play-based learning and all the benefits that come with it – it allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that early learning happens and children […]
Book Week 2019
Reading and engaging with stories in different ways is such an important part of the routine in early learning centres like Buttercups! We are half way through book week and have some exciting activities going on to celebrate stories, our favourite book characters and literacy – parents are joining us for mat sessions to read […]
Learning how to write
When does a child learn how to write? Earlier than you might think 🙂 Educationalists generally agree that before a child is ready to hold a pencil and form letters correctly, they need to have developed fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This means that the brain has to become accustomed to working in conjunction […]
Science Week 2019
It’s National Science Week and educators have planned many fun experiences like fizzy fairy potion, the “skittles” experiment, magic milk and more 🙂 National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and provides an opportunity to encourage early learning about science and for young people to become fascinated by the world we live […]